Goals for 2008
1. Get my business going. (Well, I did get it set up,
but then had second thoughts about it and didn't go through with it.)
2. Complete the details for the Cystic Fibrosis "Great Ride for Great Strides"
motorcycle run. Ride will be June 7, 2008!!!
We did it! We had our first annual Great Ride for Cystic Fibrosis.
We made $2,100.00 and we had around 70 bikes participate. Next year it's gonna be bigger and better
3. Clean and donate stuff to the Salvation Army. I have
boxes and bags to go! We finally made a delivery to Goodwill today, Nov. 30, 2008!
We had the back of Donald's pickup packed. They took everything except our magazines. Weird.
4. Get finances in order. This year we have paid off
the truck. We are working towards the credit cards now! We have reduced some of our debt and we continue to chip
away at it.
5. Enjoy life more. I'm not sure I've accomplished this
Goals for 2007
1. Clean and organize bedroom and office (getting rid of stuff
I don't need).
*note: As I started cleaning out the bedroom I have tons of books,
good books, that I hated to give to the library. (I did sell alot on half.com, but in 2009 it was
overwhelming and I ended up donating the books to the library.)
2. Finish cross stitch kits (hey Bev, you know which ones I'm
talking about.) Failed
3. Get on the exercise machine and exercise whether I lose weight
or not. Failed
4. Save money (wow, this one's hard when I don't have much anyway).
Kinda sorta did
5. As of 1-28-07 I have made numerous 6x9 rectangles that I donated
to a group who puts them together and delivers them to our soldiers at Walter Reed/Bethesda Naval Hospital. I
will continue to do that until I run out of scrap yarn.
Goals for 2006
1. Lose 50 lbs. Didn't happen
2. Crochet 10 blankets for bil's nursing home ministry. I got four done
3. Start and finish all cross stitch kits for Christmas. Didn't happen
4. Learn how to have a CF motorcycle run in memory of Katrina. I'm still getting ideas *This wasn't a goal, but something that happened to Donald and
I. We were asked to be the Area Reps for the State of Maryland for the Christian Motorcyclists Association. We
accepted. We have finished the Youth Ministry Tapes and we write our own newsletter for the Maryland state chapters.
Goals for 2005
1. Finished crocheting flag afghan and gave it to the person
whom I was making it for in April.
2. Took motorcycle lessons and got my motorcycle license.
3. Make at least one blanket a month for bil's nursing home ministry
I only made three!
4. Lose at least another 10 lbs. Failed
5. Be organized. Failed
6. Self-esteem boosters...1) I started writing a monthly
column in our CMA Chapter's newsletter. 2) A few months after writing I was asked to do the whole newsletter.
3) I've been able to go on motorcycle rides that I never thought I could, for example, Donald and I went to Delaware
for the CMA tri-state rally and we had to drive over the bay bridge! And not only did we go over the bay bridge, we
went over the Solomon's Island Bridge and the Wilson Bridge. 4) I finished the Servant's Ministry Team tape and
can now wear my CMA back patch.
Goals for 2004
1. Lose weight. Lost 15 lbs!
2. Learn to ride a motorcycle. (Drove and
bought motorcycle-Buell Blast.)
3. Get out more. (I attended different meetings (CMA; HOG;
WW); went out to eat in restaurants; traveled to Virginia; been to a bike rally; been interacting with new people.)
I was finally able to break free of fear!